

Monday, March 20, 2017

Georgina dreams....

A new girl like Georgie must always have her little out of control mind filled with thoughts of love and romance. It's not a matter of choice, it just has to be because I want it that way.....
a "girl"and her toy
Note from the Author: Even as a child i had a taste for the darker side of our imagination.
I simply loved the dark queen in Snowwhite, the evil stepmother in
Cinderella and i rooted for the wicked Witch of the west in Oz. My
favourite fairytale was "Mother of Toads" where the handsome
young hero falls under a love-spell of an extremely ugly toadlike
old witch. I loved it and as young as i was it already caused
a strange stirring which i now recognize as distictly erotic.
In later life as a young transvestite this idea translated very well
into my own excitement at being desired and courted by rather

disgusting old men.


1 comment:

I noticed that contrary to my google settings, not everyone seems to be able to comment. In those cases dont hesitate to complain to Google. I love comments and i have no real difficulties with anonymity. The wish to stay anonymous just comes with the territory.

Up to recent my home on the web until I was, after 17 years, for unknown reasons removed.
