

Saturday, September 30, 2017


Also updated my latest post so have a look there too. Still experimenting, so apologies for starring different people in the mother role.........

more Updates>

I've also considered Joan Collins for the role......or maybe she can be lady Fenton?

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Movies......

Out of sheer boredom i've been experimenting a bit with moving stuff. Still using old stuff for the moment but i'm planning to do more like these in the future. I'm beginning to think the stuff i'm doing on this blog is factually a substitute for the movie i've got in my head but that could never be made. Active images like these may enhance the experience. The movie won't happen outside our heads but the power of the imagination may give us an idea of what it would be like.....(some people can do that with just words, they are called writers, i just need a bit more)

Adjustment Therapy by Lady F., driving home the message.......

Bobbi Marie remembered having these 'adjustment' sessions with the formidable Lady Fenton and they were probably pleasent enough as he always seemed to feel happy afterwards but he could never quite remember what was actually said.......


Friday, September 22, 2017

An update and not an update....

The real update is actually an update of my previous post. I had gotten a bit stuck with the direction the scenario had taken previously so i just had to ellaborate a bit to restore the logic of the reasoning. Did i ever tell you people i'm a bit of a pedant at times?

I do however have a Bobbi Marie picture to show. Bobbi is becoming quite the sophisticate .....Lady Bobbi  sounds kinda nice and classy and it seems to fit her, especially as she mainly seems to attract arristocratic gentlemen.

Lady Bobbi has become just a bit too sophisticated to not be a "Lady"

Up to recent my home on the web until I was, after 17 years, for unknown reasons removed.
