Lavinia,my stepmother was so very very excited! Tonight, she had her now completely feminized son Marcella(me) going out on his first romantic date as a pretty young lady........with a much older MAN!
When I tell people they usually think I'm making it all up as these things sound so completely unlikely to happen in real life, but over a number of years my unexpectedly cruel and depraved stepmother, Lavinia, had intentionally and very effectively been transforming me from a fairly normal teenage boy into an ultra-feminine pretend girlfriend for much older men. Just over two years ago, my leacherous father had ran off with another woman, leaving Lavinia to care for me on her own. She didn't take it very well and I think she had a bit of a breakdown. Lavinia was actually a very beautiful and glamorous woman who had always played the perfect society trophy wife to him so her outrage was in first instance understandable but she took it a bit far. The point being that in response to his betrayal she in turn decided that she would take her own brand of poetic revenge on her cheating husband by virtually unmanning his only son,.... me.
At least that was part of her initial motivation for doing what she did but her enthousiasm and the obvious pleasure she seemed to get from my subjugation clearly said that it was at least partly for her own depraved sexual satisfaction. Certain forms of cruelty just seemed to turn her on.
And so, after almost two years of mind-altering drugs, strict training and a very thorough brainwashing, it all came down to this. Poor me! I'm still terrified about being sent on a blind date with this older man, even when Lavinia had been training and preparing me for such an occasion for months.
Still, I had been close to tears this afternoon as a totally delighted Lavinia helped me with the especially glamorous hairdo and make-up a young lady absolutely needs for such a romantic outing. Her seductive but authoritive voice telling me over and over again what a lucky girl I was and how much I would enjoy finally having the opportunity to be in the arms of a masculine man for real... and as always,in the end I believed her too. Lavinia has that effect on people...and to be honest it often feels like inside me there now is this authorative inner voice that for some reason makes me accept and finally even desire the strange and scary experiences my formidable guardian was forcing upon me. That voice seems to find an almost sadistic pleasure in destroying all that is left of Marc and it seems to fully echo Lavinia's opinions and demands.(I was still scared though...)
Lavinia had posted Marcella's(my) profile on a dating website called, including some very sexy glamorous photos of me. The description said Marcella was 19 years old, had a transgender background and was exclusively interested in dates with much older gentlemen. Well, within days it seemed like almost a hundred more or less suitable men in the vicinity had eagerly responded. Lavinia was absolutely delighted when she discovered that she could subject her darling Marcella to quite a few'romantic'encounters with elderly men.
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the admirers |
glamorous young miss I saw in the mirror, would have And the consequences that may result from that. Lavinia was very thorough and costs didn't seem to play a role(Lavinia's lawyers had taken father pretty much to the cleaners). The prettiest of designer clothes, Manolo Blahnik footwear and the prettiest lingerie one could imagine, I had everything the young spoiled society princess, Lavinia was forcing me to become, could possibly desire. There were also the 'educational' dress-up games where I was totally immersed in extremely feminine fantasy roles and of course the extravagant costumes that befitted such characters. One day it could be Cinderella, the next it was a Southern Belle or even a beautifull Bride. All to get me to think and act like a real romantically inclined girlygurl. Whether you like it or not, in time this stuff will do something to you. Once you realize how feminine you have already become, may very well give up the fight and start to revel in your own effeminate status and role. The mind is a strange thing and it may make you realize there are very exciting and enticing erotic delights to be had if you embrace your new life.
And sometimes she just likes to mess with her little lady's so very impressionable mind. At night she'd regularly have me all dressed up in my sexiest silky babydoll nighty and my prettiest panties and stepmother herself of course immaculately done up looking irresistably menacing and overpowering.
The whole game is even more effective due to me already being bit drowsy from the mysterious pill she slipped into my champagne to make my already feeble little mind even more susceptible to her delightful little suggestions. She'd sit next to her pretty princess on my impossibly feminine bed in my now impossibly feminine and elegant bedroom when she tells me about her delicious but slightly disturbing plans for my future. Meanwhile sweetly caressing me with her perfectly manicured hand under the bedspread until I'm totally helpless to resist the sweet erotic agony she is forcing upon me. She keeps this up until I am almost in a hysterical state of arousal and am panting for release. At that moment, she knows I am ready to agree to do or say anything she wants me to. She makes me admit to the most embarassing acts and thoughts like me desperately wanting to be kissed and held by manly men and she even has me beg her to make me have a boyfriend. Of course she records these statements and confessions for later use when her protégée may have the ridiculous impertinence to rebell against the wonderfull plans she has with me. At our most recent intimate little game I actually confessed to desperately desiring to be with a much older masculine man and wanting to become his girlfriend or even his blushing bride Of course any protests on my behalf will not sound very convincing after such confessions. There is nothing wrong with a little blackmail....according to my lovely stepmother....
And she was totally unrelenting. I can still hear her taunting voice ringing in my ears as she continued to lecture me on my desired feelings and behaviours towards future male suitors. "You still need to learn so much about the joys of being helpless, beautifull and desireable for your man and eventually you must accept your new role so completely that you will even find pride in your own willing submission to your lover's ardent manly desires and needs. I know you still don't really want to have these feelings towards masculine mature men but you just can't help it, can you princess? You know your body and heart are now screaming to have your future manly 'boyfriend' throbbing hard for you as he scrutinizes your delicious silk and satin draped fragile self.....
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Lavinia |
Don't worry about your reservations, princess, when the moment is there you'll now just what to do and you'll remember everything". "Remember everything?. I had no idea what she was talking about..."
Nothing more was explained but stepmother thought we should have a relaxing glass of bubbles until my suitor would arrive. We did, but only seconds later the doorbell rang to announce my date. It turned out to be a bit of a shock because as soon as the silverhaired casanova Lavinia had selected to be my date entered the room I actually 'did' remember everything.... Every word of the latest session I had had with Lavinia's favorite hypnotherapist and friend,the irresistable Lady Fenton. It all flooded back in the moment I set eyes on...'him'....and it changed everything. I remembered it word for word and somehow I instinctively knew it was all completely true and right....
The sessions with Lady Fenton had never felt like in any way like actual hypnosis. There were no swinging pendulums or amulets or strange trance inducing procedures, they were mostly fairly friendly though somewhat onesided talks. The only thing that could have warned me was the herbal tea and the fact I never had much idea what had been said afterwards. I've been told you can't hypnotize people to do things they don't really want to and in the end it's all about reasoning and convincing you these things are right for you.... I'm convinced that's what had happened to me, seeing my instant and complete change of attitude towards my prospective suitor and our coming date. I remembered every word of forementioned talk with the lady and it essentially explained everthing....
Lady Fenton (a few days ago):
"I'm sorry if you are still unwilling to go on your date young lady but your delightful stepmother and I totally agree on how exquisitely exciting it will be to finally see you completely deny your initial reluctance to embrace your wonderful new life, to see you betray your gender and stupid original sexual orientation and actually revel in your own belittlement and wanton submission to your 'boyfriend'. It just has to be.
We just can't wait to see you deliriously swoon in the arms of your ardent masculine admirer....
I know it is just what you've always secretly dreamed of, sweety. Just what you've subconsciously always wanted. An ultra-feminine young lady, like you yourself have insisted on becoming, must almost instinctively yearn for the attentions of her mature gentleman suitor.
I know in the end you just won't be able to resist this aristocratic looking much older man you will be dating. You are still trying to deny it but it's obvious now. And you know it won't stop there. You don't want it to stop. You already know you want him.
From the first moment you two first meet you'll be imagining how his hands may brazenly wander all over your silk encased girlish body. He may and you of course hope with all your heart that he will. I'm sure he is going to be a very very close and intimate friend to you in the near future and it feels all so completely right and delightful. The feeling of being desirable and feminine that you get from being close to him will be completely intoxicating.
-Being held and touched so very intimately by such a distinguished much much older man is what you absolutely need now.
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Lady Fenton |
His wrinkly veiny old hands possessively moving all over you and shamelessly fondling your cute little tush. Caressing your pretty girlish face, lovingly touching your cheeks and giving you furtive kisses. It all feels so good. He is so commanding and in control whilst you can only comply and yield as he rightly takes charge of his 'little lady'.
Because you know this is what you have always secretly wanted and dreamed about and it's the best thing that could possibly have happened to someone like you and your body obviously agrees and trembles with delight under his tender loving touches.
And you know that from now on you are going to be thinking and reacting like this all the time.You are never going to want to stop feeling like this because it's part of who you are now.
You crave feeling romantic.
It's so deliciously exciting and appropriate for a girlyboi like you to feel this way.
You already have become such a very enchanting'little lady'and you are becoming more and more romantic every day and with every time you listen to me.
You enjoy listening to me because I help you to become more and more feminine.
And as you develop more and more romantic thoughts and feelings you will find yourself wanting to listen more and more as it feels so right for you to become as feminine and as dainty as is humanly possible.
You're becoming such a precious, hopelessly romantic 'miss', always dreaming about falling desperately in love with lovely much much older men.
Always dreaming about being as pretty and as delightfully feminine as possible for these much older men and thinking about how right it feels for you to be in the arms of a seasoned elderly gentleman.
How wonderfully girlish it feels to be held in his strong manly arms.
And as you think of these things you feel all warm and tingly inside.
Feeling so desirable and cherished whenever you are with your elderly 'boyfriend'. Because you adore these slightly authoritive elderly gentlemen.
You really really like much older men. Elderly men are so excitingly masculine to an ultra-feminine boyprincess like you and you compulsively want to make them lust after you and to get them to passionately make out with you.
In fact whenever you meet such an elderly man or fantasise about much much older men you will instantly become horny and aroused.
Always acutely wanting him to look at you and speak to you. Wanting him to notice you so very bad.
To notice you and to notice how horny you are for 'him'.
Because you really are always thinking about it now and always wanting it and thinking about being with these very sexy much older men.
And of course all your thoughts are always in a nice feminine voice.
Always thinking in a pretty feminine voice and speaking in your most feminine tone of voice when you ruthlessly flirt with these elderly men and compulsively fantasize about making out with them.
You feel yourself tingle all over with both anxiety and a delicious feminine devotion whenever you meet such a gentleman.
Even just thinking about such a very very much older man is often enough to make you have little spontaneous orgasms.
You can feel it now. Feel your whole body tingling at the thought of a very much older man touching you.
Feel how exciting and wonderful you feel as a rush of pleasure goes through your whole body at the mere thought of being touched by this very much older man.
First he's just going to hold your hand. You've been wanting him to hold your hand for a while now.
Because it's kind of lonely and sad when there's nobody touching you and holding your hand. Having a gentleman hold your hand makes you feel so very feminine as it's such a loving yet slightly belittling gesture that is usually exclusively reserved for ladies or pretty girls. And you like being touched and having your hand held and that's why you keep hoping he will reach out.
Hoping he will reach out and take your small feminine hand in his.
Willing him to do it.
Needing his manly touch. You just need his recognition of your effeminate status, to feel desired and for the pure romantic undertone of the gesture.
There is nothing else as good as being touched and held even if just your hand.
And now finally as he reaches out lovingly and takes your hand in his, the warmth and gentleness of his wrinkled veiny hand completely overwhelms your now so deliciously out of control feminized mind as it always does when a very much older man even shows a minute romantic interest in you.
It feels so good. it's like an electric shock of pure pleasure all over your body just from his touch. This again and again seems the best thing that's ever happened to you and you are becoming just so aroused and excited.
The feeling of his skin on yours is filling your whole world and it just feels so incredibly good and right and delicious that you want him to hold you forever.
And he notices how you feel and reaches out and takes your other hand too.
Both your hands are enclosed and held so lovingly in his and he is so close now and you just can't believe how good you feel.
He lovingly smiles at you while he is holding your hands and gently fondles them between his fingers and thumb and you realize that this is once again the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Thinking how high praise it is for a romantically inclined love-hungry little lady, like you have become, to have her hands lovingly held by such an attractive elderly man. His big strong hands so gentle and welcoming as they gallantly hold your elegant perfectly manicured hands in his. Completely enclosing your small soft fingers in his feels so good and this then seems the most wonderful thing in the world.
This is the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Just like any other girl you know that the most wonderful and exciting thing in the whole world is the feeling of being taken by a very much older man you love.
And now as his hands continue to hold yours and his touch drives you further and further towards complete, almost orgasmic surrender he bends forward and kisses you deeply and you find yourself blushing uncontrollably as you realize just how badly you want him. And when his hands pull you close to his lovely manly frame, still frenching you, you clearly notice his excited maleness through his trousers.
Feeling how big you've made him and you can't help feeling proud that he likes you so much that his manthing has become huge and throbbing and you want to play with it to please him.
You feel so grateful to him for everything he is doing for you and you want him to feel just as good as you do so you move your hands around to his trousers and undo his belt as he bends down and kisses you even more passionately this time.
You feel so excited its like you have vertigo and you are tingling all over at the thought of handling his beautiful manly penis as you gently unzip his pants to lovingly fondle his excited manhood with your perfectly manicured fingers.
In the end almost every single elderly gentleman you meet can do all this to you.
You will love such a man for controlling you, gently belittling you and stimulating you to be so completely helpless, delicate and dainty. You will do anything to please him because your gratitude and your intense feminine feelings of romance and sexuality are all rolled into one unstoppable wave that makes you desire desperately to surrender to him.
And so at this point you realize that this is exactly how you are going to feel whenever any elderly man speaks to you.
Whenever you now hear a very much older man's voice speak to you it is going to bring you back to this feeling of intense sexual arousal and an almost frightful need to satisfy his manly desires and needs.
Needless to say that you will choose a commanding much much older man who can teach you to cherish and pleasure him every single day for the rest of your life. You start to realise that you have a deep need to be with this lovely man forever.
And around this time you also begin to fantasize about wearing an exquisite white wedding dress whilst walking down the aisle with this wonderful man.
Secretly dreaming about it and wanting it. More than any other wanton women you want to marry him and become his perfect little trophy wife.
And as you think about this it feels better and better and his hands feel even more safe and gentle and you love him even more as you feel that you absolutely need to become his devoted little bride.
You only just realized that you've always wanted to get married to such a sweet and gentle elderly gentleman.
And now your desire to be a wife is added to all the pleasure and sexual thrills that you're getting from being touched and held by a very much older man.
And you realize that whenever you see a very much older man, or think about a very much older man, and whenever a very much older man speaks to you, that you will immediately begin feeling this way.
These romantic emotions and this deep sexual excitement that you love so very much will begin to rise in you.
And you will begin to notice that you become aroused and excited very very easily now whenever you are spoken to by an elderly man.
If he looks at you or speaks to you then that will trigger these feelings that are now sitting deep in your mind and becoming a big part of who you are.
Whenever an elderly man looks at you or speaks to you it will immediately bring to mind all these thoughts about marriage and romance.
It would be wonderful to get married and to have him as your husband.
You want to be his wife so very very much and you will be a good and loving little wife to him in every way.
You will be a far better wife to him than any other woman could possibly be.
and so whenever a very much older man speaks to you, you will feel as if you are already wearing a wedding dress.
You are wearing a beautiful satin wedding gown and his hands are so gentle and strong and the feeling of his hands all over you making you feel so wonderful and sexy and safe.
And now as his hands continue to hold yours and his touch drives you further and further towards complete, almost orgasmic surrender he bends forward gracefully and kisses you deeply and you find yourself blushing uncontrollably as you realize just how badly you want him.
And in spite of yourself you find that you can't help thinking about his cock. His cock that is so big and hard and wonderful.
And you are becoming very much aware of his manhood so close to you but hidden inside his trousers.
And as his hands pull you close to his lovely manly frame you clearly notice his excited maleness through his trousers.
Feeling how big you've made him and you can't help feeling proud that he likes you so much that his tool has become huge and throbbing and you want to play with it and please him.
You feel so grateful to him for everything he is doing for you and you want him to feel just as good as you do so you move your hands around to his trousers and undo his belt as he bends down and kisses you even more passionately this time.
You feel so excited its like you have vertigo and you are tingling all over at the thought of handling his beautiful manly penis as you gently unzip his pants to lovingly fondle his obviously excited manhood with your perfectly manicured fingers.
Me (now):
Well, those were the truths that had overflowed my mind the moment I came eye to eye with this gorgeous man who was my date for tonight. He was quite a bit bigger than me, rather stoutly built and was dressed in conservative dark blue pinstripe suit and a goldcoloured silk tie. The gentleman was balding, with silvergrey hair and looked like he was in his early seventies. He was perfect. When Lavinia introduced us he actually almost reverently kissed my hand, mumbling something about how beautiful I looked and I had of course blushed profusely and fluttered my eyelashes at him to show him my gratitude and eagerness. It was like I was struck by lightning and if he had ravaged me there and then I would have been the happiest pretend-miss on the planet. Soon my silverhaired casanova proceeded to guide me to his vintage automobile already posessively holding me around the silken nipped-in waist of the glamorous iceblue taffeta mermaid dress stepmother had made me wear(together with the 5 inch heels and the long salon nails it made me a virtual invalid). It was a very narrow off-the-shoulder contraption that flaired out just below the knee. This type of restrictive attire was of course the perfect excuse to feign the need for my man's support. I loved it and by the time we reached the car I was close to fainting out of pure excitement and anxiety. Acting like the perfect gentleman my date then gallantly took my hand and helped me to enter his classic Bentley. Once inside the car he said he hoped I had no objections to a little intimate dinner at his place. Of course I didn't and even if I did stepmommy's rules strictly forbade such a uncooperative attitude... So after expressing my enthousiasm for such dinner accompanied by some more fluttering of eyelashes, we were on our way...

At the same time my own weeny that was carefully tucked away between my legs had slowly been oozing liquids without having an actual erection. But it hadn't been just hornyness, I actually felt genuine affection towards this lovely man who was causing me to feel this feminine and almost dainty. I just had to be very grateful to HIM for everything he was doing for me by letting me be HIS ultra-feminine little lady. And there is the whole distinguished look of this eldery man, the silverwhite hair even his wrinkles and almost weatered face and his almost instinctive air of masculine superiority that had totally captivated me.
Anyway, it seemed Lady Fenton had been right about just everything almost to the letter as at the moment I'm about to open my wonderful boyfriend's pants to take out his throbbing hard member........
p.s. Mr.Theodore (sorry I hadn't mentioned his name before, I must call him either Sir or Darling) asked me to be his date for his ex-wife's wedding next week and I'm definitely going to catch that bouquet....
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