

Monday, April 23, 2018

A final bit of 'Madge and Timmy'.

Well, the fact that nobody but me seems to give a f*ck anyway made me decide i won't bother you any further with this double-act after this. This is my own interpretation. A tiny bit more cinematographic than A.W.'s own illustrations and a bit more vanilla but hey, that's me all over. I am actually quite proud of what i did here as there is more work involved in these than meets the eye....Sometimes my fellow artists whose talents are more in the drawings seem to look down on the ones who have different talents and that's both silly and shortsighted.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

More 'Madge and Timmy' illustrations by A.W.

Almost simultaneous with AW(Anonymous Writer)'s latest publication on FictionMania i have the honour to publish some more drawings by A.W. him/herself. For the fans. They are in no particular order but you can guess for yourself which image goes with which story.(click on FULL SIZE for the really large version)


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Coming soon!: The ART of Madge and Timmy(featuring the artwork of A.W. him/herself)

I have recently come in contact with A.W.(Anonymous Writer), amongst others the writer of the fabulous (but a little scary-lol) 'Madge and Timmy' stories on Fictionmania, and found out that apart from the stories there is also a fair amount of original drawings by said artist. These are just a taste of what's to come as i've understood there is a lot more AW is prepared to share with the fans.
Still busy working on my own new 'evil stepmom' scenario so this is a very welcome diversion and development.

Up to recent my home on the web until I was, after 17 years, for unknown reasons removed.
